Medway Elects

Acquisition of Depot Site for the Waste Collection and Cleansing Service
25 April 2019


A report presented to council provided details of cabinet's decisions on 9 April 2019 in relation to acquiring a depot site for use in connection with the waste collection and cleansing services, given that the existing contractor had advised that they wished to retain their own depot facilities (Pier Road) for their own commercial use and would not be letting the council or its contractors use the facilities.

The report stated that the council was recommended to add this scheme to the capital programme. In addition, there was a constitutional requirement that cabinet decisions relating to land and property transactions over £500,000 must be reported to the next council meeting for information.

An exempt appendix provided detailed costs of acquisition and the enabling works needed.

The portfolio holder for resources, Councillor Gulvin, supported by the leader of the council, Councillor Jarrett, proposed the recommendation set out in the report.

On being put to the vote, the motion was carried.

Vote Result

Votes in Favour

The following councillors voted in favour of the motion:

Votes Against

The following councillors voted against the motion:

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