Medway Elects

Council: Scrap Bulky Waste Collection Charge and Tackle Fly-Tipping
19 July 2018


This council notes:

  • Since the introduction of the bulky waste charge by this council in April 2016, fly tipping has increased by 24.89% in Medway;
  • That fly tipping is a growing environmental problem across Medway and efforts to combat it are overwhelmingly supported by the public;
  • The increase in online reporting of fly-tipping and other street scene issues over the last 12 months, particularly in our inner urban areas.

This council believes:

  • We have a responsibility to acknowledge that fly-tipping has increased and investigate ways of combating the problem potential preventative measures;
  • Charging for bulky waste has resulted in fewer bulky waste collections being booked by residents and an increase in fly-tipping;
  • People reporting fly-tipping issues are not being used as a 'propaganda' tool to damage the council;
  • Residents should be supported and encouraged to report issues online, as it is a more efficient and cost-effective method of reporting issues to the council.

Council therefore resolves to:

  • Scrap the bulky waste collection charge across Medway;
  • To continue the council's record of undertaking proactive enforcement of fly tipping and highlighting successful prosecutions, while extending the public media campaign against serial offenders;
  • To continue to work in partnership with Kent police and other local authorities to share intelligence and highlight criminal convictions for fly-tipping;
  • To support and streamline the reporting of issues on council social media platforms as part of the digitalisation agenda and request the cabinet to take this forward.

On being put to the vote, the motion was lost.

Vote Result

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