Medway Elects

Council: Complete SEN Review by End of July and Share Conclusions Publicly
19 July 2018


This council notes the concern expressed by the families of children at Abbey Court special school over the predicted shortfall of places in the secondary provision from September 2019. The portfolio holder argues that there are enough places to accommodate current year five and subsequent cohorts of children while the school's chair of governors states that there are not enough places.

Cabinet decided to proceed with the rebuild of Abbey Court school on a single site on 26th November 2013 and the impact of increasing provision in the primary phase on the future number of secondary places was noted at that time and subsequently. Despite this, over the past five years, the council has not shared any plan to accommodate the higher numbers in the primary cohort at Abbey Court in the secondary phase at Abbey Court. The administration continues to insist that there is adequate provision of places and that this will be confirmed in their current SEN review. However, the administration has not shared the details of this review, the information on which it is based or when it will report.

Given the urgency of this matter and the distress caused to parents and children, this council calls on the administration to account for its position, providing to parents and to council members the basis for its case on the sufficiency of provision in the secondary phase at Abbey Court school, to complete the SEN review by the end of July and to share its conclusions publicly.

On being put to the vote, the motion was lost.

Vote Result

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