Medway Elects

Revenue and Capital Budgets 2018/2019
22 February 2018


A report presented to council provided details of the revenue and capital budget proposals for 2018/2019.

The cabinet had considered initial budget proposals on 21 November 2018, which had been developed in accordance with the principles set out in the medium term financial strategy. In accordance with the budget and policy framework rules within the constitution the overview and scrutiny committees had then considered the cabinet's proposals prior to cabinet's consideration of the draft budget on 6 February 2018.

It was noted that an overarching diversity impact assessment, as set out in appendix 8 to the report, summarised the results of the diversity impact assessments which had been completed for each of the services affected by the proposed budget changes.

The leader of the council, Councillor Jarrett, supported by the deputy header and portfolio holder for housing and community services, Councillor Doe, proposed the recommendations in the report, together with the following detailed changes listed below in relation to recommendation 26.3 on page 125 of the Agenda:

"That the following reductions, generating £1,783,000 of headroom, are made to revenue allocations as follows:

  • Education Grants: Charge the 0-25 team to the DSG High Needs Block giving £833,000.
  • Centralisation of ICT contracts giving £200,000.
  • Rephasing the BRMF (building repairs and maintenance fund) programme giving £750,000.

And that this headroom is invested as follows:

Reduce leisure pressure £100,000
Festivals £200,000
'C' Company - Freedom of the Borough £21,000
HMS Medway - Freedom of the Borough £21,000
Commemoration for Major McCudden VC £5,000
Royal Voluntary Service Grant £17,500
Further provision for pay award at 0.5% £382,000
Invest to Save - Shared Lives £70,000
Invest to Save - SEN Transport £70,000
Invest to Save - PAUSE £300,000
Invest to Save - Systemic Therapy £100,000
Continue free parking at Christmas £75,000
Feasibility study for new sporting facilities - Hoo Peninsula and Rainham £50,000
Investment in skills £59,000
Highways £312,500

It should also be noted that car parking charges for pay and display for 2018/19 in Medway are frozen, with the intention of no increase for a further two years, that is until 2020/21."

On being put to the vote, the motion was carried.

Vote Result

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