Medway Elects

Establishment of Committees, Appointments and Schedule of Meetings 2017/2018 (Amendment)
27 April 2017


A report presented to council provided details of the overall allocation of seats on committees and set out recommendations to the annual meeting of the council on 17 May 2017 regarding the committees and other bodies to be appointed for 2017/2018 and a programme of meetings. The report also set out recommendations to the joint meeting of committees on 17 May 2017, immediately following the annual meeting of the council, in respect of the establishment and membership of sub-committees and task groups.

An addendum report was tabled at the meeting which provided details of some proposed changes to the programme of meetings as a result of the recent announcement that a general election would take place on 8 June 2017.

It was also reported that democratic services had received notification from Lauraine McManus that she was no longer able to continue with her role on the children and young people overview and scrutiny committee as the teacher representative. An expression of interest into this role had been received and would be presented to the committee's next meeting. It was therefore anticipated that a new person would take on this role from June 2017 for a two year term.

Councillor Kemp, supported by Councillor Carr, proposed the recommendations set out in the report with an allocation of committee seats for 2017/18 as set out in paragraph 3.5 on page 91 of the agenda and amendments to the schedule of meetings as set out in the addendum report.


Councillor Maple, supported by Councillor Shaw, proposed the following amendment:

"Recommendation 6.1 (i) to read: the establishment of committees, sub committees and task groups, their size and the allocation of seats to political groups as set out in appendix A to this report, together with terms of reference as set out in the council's constitution."

(Recommendations 6.1 (ii) - (iv) to remain unchanged).

On being put to the vote, the amendment was lost.

Vote Result


The following councillors were absent from the vote:

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