Medway Elects

Council: Protect Sure Start Centres (Amendment)
13 January 2011


Council notes:

  1. that David Cameron pledged to protect Sure Start during the 2010 election campaign saying "we understand and the Labour government understands how important it is for families to have the early support that Sure Start provides"; and
  2. that funding for Sure Start is no longer ring-fenced, as it was under Labour, and is now under local authority control.

Council resolves:

  1. to exclude the 19 Sure Start centres in Medway from budget cuts in accordance with the promise made by the prime minister before the election and pledges to continue to support the important work that Sure Start centres perform in all of Medway communities, helping families to enable children to have the best possible start and realise their potential in the future.


Councillor Wicks, supported by Councillor Jarrett, proposed an amendment that the motion be replaced with:

Council notes that:

  1. David Cameron pledged to protect Sure Start during the 2010 election campaign saying "we understand and the Labour government understands how important it is for families to have the early support that Sure Start provides";
  2. Full funding for Sure Start has been allocated to Medway council as part of the council's financial settlement, published in December;
  3. Medway's Conservative group has already made a public commitment that they will continue to support Sure Start centres in Medway, which play an important role supporting young children and their families; and
  4. Medway council has a clear budget setting process which will culminate in the 2011/12 budget being considered by members at the council meeting on 24 February 2011.

Council resolves:

That all Members fully support the budget that will be recommended to council on 24 February 2011, which will include a provision to continue fully funding the 19 Sure Start centres in Medway.

On being put to the vote, the amendment was carried and became the substantive motion.

Vote Result

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