Medway Elects

EC Membership
5 June 1975

A referendum was held in the UK on 5 June 1975 to decide on the UK's membership of the European Community.

The UK had joined the European Communities in January 1973. Even before joining the UK's membership was controversial. While the Conservatives were in favour, and took the country in, Labour were wary of the effect membership would have on parliament and the electorate's democratic rights.

After entering government in 1974, Labour renegotiated the terms of the UK's membership and the House of Commons had backed continued membership of the Common Market in April 1975 by 396 votes to 170. However, due at least in part to disagreement within the Labour party, a referendum was called to put the question to voters.

67.2% of voters opted to remain within the European Communities. However, the UK's membership would continue to be the object of political debate for the following four decades, leading to a further referendum on the UK's membership of what had become the European Union in 2016.


A referendum was held asking the following question:

The Government has announced the results of the renegotiation of the United Kingdom's terms of membership of the European Community.

Do you think the United Kingdom should stay in the European Community (the Common Market)?


The following results were declared by the returning officer:

  Option UK %
  Yes 17,378,581 67.2
  No 8,470,073 32.8
  Turnout   64.7

To order the options by their ballot paper order or number of votes received in the UK, click on the appropriate column heading.

UK Result

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